Thursday, December 01, 2011

::kita, setelah 3 minggu

Masih agak aneh rasanya di telinga saya memanggil kamu dengan sebutan "suami". Saya pun masih belum terbiasa untuk berbagi segalanya dengan kamu. But somehow, I'm happily trying to get used to it. Jadi, selain rasa canggung saya pun juga menikmatinya. Senang bertukar cerita lucu dengan kamu. Senang berbagi rasa hangat dan sayang dengan kamu. Senang karena kamu selalu bisa meneduhkan suasana dengan sikap santai, polah kocak, bahkan banyolan. Senang bertukar pendapat dan pemikiran dengan kamu. Senang, karena dengan kamu, saya merasa kita dapat selalu berkembang dan saling mendukung demi meraih yang terbaik bagi kita.

Masih panjang jalan terbentang di hadapan kita... Saya sendiri pun masih belum merasa sepenuhnya yakin bahwa sepanjang jalan itu akan selamanya terasa menyenangkan dan menarik. Cuma satu yang saya yakini, Dia ada bersama kita dan sejauh kita berdua tetap memegang tangan-Nya, segalanya akan bisa dilalui dengan baik dan memberikan banyak pembelajaran :).

See you tonight, I...

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

:: this really explains

Lot of people are asking me:
"Why you chose him instead of someone else? He seems not fit enough with you. We
know, you can have the better or even richer one. And your life will be easier and

And I always answer:
"Because I'm in love with our togetherness. I love us. I love the way we complete each

Okay... I know this may sound a bit cheesy.

Until a close friend of mine gave a very logical reason. I was touched and moved by her statement.
So, Inang if you don't mind please allow me to quote you.

Why I chose him?
Of course, and again, I LOVE US.
Also because I believe in my own capability. The DIVINE HIM grants me with lots of skill, talents and capability. And I'm always happy to improve all of those things. Sooo, I also believe that everything will be okay for us as long as we keep walking in His track and working optimally for the better us.
I believe that we two will be responsible for our living and children :)
And I'm glad to work on it with you, T... :)

This statement also explains why I almost never had an imagination to have a very rich husband. Because I'm pretty sure that I would be much more happy if we together strive for this.

I love you, T.
And thanks so much, Inang.

Friday, April 08, 2011

:: sweetest thing on Friday Night

One little thing I really want to do as soon as I set my feet at home is:
Call your name "Ibu", kiss and hug you tightly.^_______^

Not only because I haven't done such things in a while, but also eerr... actually the first and foremost reason is I'm so much longing for those two warm arms and enjoying your unconditional love.

PS: I'll soon come home to get this wonderful moment :).

Friday, April 01, 2011

:: heaven is

the time when I am surrounded by thousands of nice books, reading one of those, while some sweet songs that make me just want to sing silently are being played.

on last 26 March: the Earth Hour Day. We're all as family talked together about many things (important, or even really trivial matters) with such an intimate ambience and without any light at all. Sometimes we need the darkness to contemplate ourselves and to focus more on what others say and feel rather than getting distracted by their looks and/or attributes.

when I heard that Lubas’ hind foot were no
t amputated. The only medication he needs is a minor surgery. Now, he’s very healthy

wandering Jakarta with Ibu using mass transportation. We didn't do such activities for a while. We sat side by side and talked about many things intensely and intimately. We then ate nasi uduk at a small resto near Bapak's office. Only us. We two shared everything and enjoyed every single things happened around us

knowing that my beloved Jesus Christ makes everything runs miraculously for the holy oath of us

song of Ebiet G. Ade “Jogjakarta” is on my ears.

seeing the smiles of others because of something nice I’ve done.

accidentally visiting the blue-yellow office when everyone’s already going home. Only me enjoying the new wallpaper on receptionist room, the green wall and little part of meeting room, the situation and smell of the lift, sate ayam sold by one the stall next to that building.

receiving nice text from Rumah Sekawan.

spending Sunday night with my dear brother: exchanging witty stories along the street, stopping a moment for buying some cheap snacks, eating those snack while walking to home, having laughs without any tendency to insult one another. hahahaha

having you to be my partner in life.

Just as I read on daily bread today, "It's important to find a joy in some ordinary things, for they are indeed wonderful."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

:: Episode (lalu) Kita


Menembus hujan bersama kamu. Berada di bawah satu payung dan membiarkan rinai hujan menyentuh wajah kita.
Bercerita tentang hidup kita sebelum masa sekarang. Kamu yang dulu. Aku yang lalu.
Aah juga saat mengulum lollypop. Saat aku diam-diam memandang wajah kamu, mencoba mencaritahu apakah kamu menikmati permen itu selayaknya aku menikmati tiap sesapnya.

Menikmati tarian air mancur di sebuah taman ibukota. Bersama kamu, tentunya :). Berjalan bergandengan seraya tengok kiri dan kanan menikmati geliat orang-orang di sekitar kita: anak-anak berlarian, penjual kaki lima yang heboh menawarkan dagangannya, pasangan muda-mudi yang tengah kasmaran, tanaman cemara yang meneduhkan sekaligus menghangatkan suasana sekitar.

Ada di satu mobil bersama kamu... dalam sebuah lokasi bernama cuci mobil otomatis. Hanya kamu dan aku. Memandang sekitar dan yang terlihat hanya alir air dan buih sabun. Kita tertawa. Kamu menertawakan tingkahku yang konyol.. We killed time by having a nice self-disclosure moment.. Kencan terindah buatku, so far....
Err....are we actually dating already at that time??? Hehehe

Bertukar kisah tentang hujan dengan kamu. Tentang pendar-pendar cahaya lampu mobil, biasnya yang berwarna-warni ketika menyentuh jalanan yang membasah, bau hujan dan tanah yang menguarkan aroma khas dan nuansa teduh, sepayung berdua menikmati kehangatan kita sambil menunggu bis yang akan membawa kita pulang.

Berdandan dan mematut diri ketika akan bertemu kamu. Merasakan gelora bahagia meski hati masih dipenuhi dengan ketidakpastian. Menebak-nebak seperti apa tampilan kamu hari ini. Mereka-reka topik apa yang akan kita perbincangkan. Membayangkan akan berjalan bersisian di pedestrian. Menjumpai kamu duduk menunggu aku di undak-undakan itu sambil bermain handphone. Mendengar kata "Nanti gue yang bilang sama Bapak, kalau kita bakal balik agak malam."

Membaca sebuah message yang bertuliskan.. "This may sound silly. But I start missing you" *blushing*.

Yep!! Now we're steps ahead. This journey is heading to the holy oath and I'm very grateful for it.
I'm just missing the old us :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

:: sisterhood on the creative cubicle

Taksi. mixed feeling. sedih. berkaca-kaca. rasa kehilangan. merindukan mereka. pasti.

5 years ago. sampoerna strategic square. blue-yellow. erika - gadis sensual yang tidak beranjak dari usia 21 dan suhu kisah cinta. ina - gadis yang tidak memiliki setetespun hormon lelaki, super sabar dan paling perhatian, cie - si baby face yang juga jago petakilan me - the imbalance feet dan alim yang tersesat :P. you, girls know exactly what I mean.

teh hangat saat migrain. foto" di toilet yg akan direnovasi. permata bank. cincin berbulu warna-warni. baju bali. kubo-duki-momo-ahyu. pet lover. dufan setengah hari. pose sunglasess. payon. deer horn bando.

duet maut. empat mata live! pentungan satpam jatuh menghujam kaki. jalan melintas atmajaya. satpam permata. es leci. berempat.

kita pernah berselisih. beberapa hal tentang kamu tampak tak masuk akal bagiku. pun kamu. mungkin beberapa hal tentang aku sulit ditolerir. sahabat ada di atas semuanya. berangsur aku mulai belajar memahami. kita bisa jadi berbeda pada banyak hal. jalinan pertemanan yang mengaburkan rasa beda. pelajaran hidup dan esensi persahabatan. terimakasih atas kesempatan berharga ini.