Friday, November 05, 2010

:: I'm sure you can!

Future is uncertain.
We both know this. Therefore it is fine to feel a bit nervous.

But today... hope changes a half of the uncertainty.
Hope makes us know that He listens to us.
This hope will guide you endlessly.
Just stay beside Him and be sure you already have all positive things.
You.. my dearest sista surely can vibrantly exude all of those.
And there's nothing to worry about or even to be afraid of.

So, just lean on Him. Prepare all needed things and say your wishes to Him.
At the end, the best thing would happen.
Just wait for the happy news.
And I'll be the first one who greets you and celebrates the moment.

~ dedicated to Radith's mom ~

:: heading to the holy oath

Let me check.. what progress we’ve made during these past few months.

  • Wedding ring: Done but still considering to alter the size a bit.
  • Venue: Amazingly done! A miracle just happened to us. It was made into reality and as we wished only by HIS little touch. Can’t get enough thanks of it. Thank so much, my dear Jesus!
  • Make up : Already got the perfect one. Thanks to my loveliest twin who have given me such a good reference. Getting actively involved in her wedding means much!
  • Dress: on the reception we seem to agree with that color, right? I think it’ll look nice ‘n elegant on the both of us and the rest of the family member. Hehe.
  • Invitation: Completely drawn on that design. Unique ‘n simple. The design now is still being drawn by my special friend.. Thanks a lot Sheva’s mom :)
  • Catering: Only 2 candidates left. Should be fixed this month. Okay... siapa takut?
  • Decoration: Collecting some preferred vendors :). So far... a credit has been given to AG. Gotta find more ‘n more :)

Haha.. not many I think. However I do thanks to the Divine Him and our loved ones for the blessing and support so we both can check some details and move forward to other details.